Friday, October 7, 2011

The Best time to Workout

What do you think the best time to work out is? In my opinion, the best time to work out is five minutes after you wake up. Why? Because it boosts your metabolism in order to burn calories faster throughout the day. And with the typical American waking up at 6:30 a.m., you should be out exercising by 6:35. But just before, make sure you grab a light snack, something that you can digest easily, for example, apple with peanut butter, or wheat toast with low fat jelly, or a fruit salad, all with a glass of water. For those who simply cannot work out immediately after waking up, a second recommendation for the best time to work out is right when you get off of work. Make it a point to go to the gym, otherwise you are going to get lazy, want to go home and lay on the couch and watch t.v or something. In the end, just make sure you make time to work out your body. They say that thirty minutes of cardio is recommended a day, and routine is very important too!

Question to consider: When do you find time in incorporate exercise into your daily routine? Do you typically work out mornings, evenings, nights? What do you prefer and why?


  1. That's a great question. I find that first thing in the morning is best for me -- otherwise I get side-tracked by all the other things I have lined up for the day and I never get around to it. Nice to know there is a caloric benefit to early AM exercise!

  2. Thanks for the advice! I usually work out in between my lunch break, because I have free time to. Nothing is more painful than working out after work.
