Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fifteen Healthy Habits

Here are a few easy tricks on staying healthy to keep in the back of your mind!

1. Eat an early dinner
2. Weigh yourself daily
3. Eating a boring diet
4. Reward yourself with small dessert
5. Read diet and exercise tips
6. Eat Breakfast! ( like my previous post )
7. Take healthy snack breaks
8. Drink water
9. Choose whole grains
10.  Sleep for 6 to 8 hours each day
11. Manage stress
12. Take the stairs!
13. Walk after meals
14. Eat protein
15.  Surround yourself with nutritious food choices!
Question to Consider: Any things you do already? Any new ideas to add? Comment below.

Worst Beverages to Drink

Unhealthy Choices in Beverages
Beware of drinking these extra unnecessary calories

Most Unhealthy Beer: Sierra Nevada Bigfoot with 330 calories in one bottle

Worst Lemonade: Auntie Anne’s Wild Cherry Lemonade with 470 calories

Worst Espresso Drink: Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha with Whipped Cream with 660 calories

Most Unhealthy Drive-Thru Shake: McDonald’s Triple Thick Chocolate Shake with 1,160 calories

Worst Cold Beverage: Cold Stone’s BB&C (Gotta Have it) with 2,010 calories!!
Check out the full list here:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Running outside vs. Treadmill?

Which do you prefer? Going for a run around the neighborhood or going to the gym and running on the treadmill?


Everyone has their different preferences. But me, I enjoy running outside way better than running on the treadmill. I get bored and probably don't run as much as I would if I was outside. I love the outdoors, my surroundings kept me motivated and I put length distances for myself to keep me going. For example, in the summer I would challenge myself to run to the local elementary school and back without stopping. I feel these options don't apply when you're just at the gym on the treadmill. Perhaps the best benefit or the treadmill is you can specifically time yourself, count your calories burning and change your elevation to your desire.

Question to consider: Comment below stating treadmill or outside. If you like give a brief description as to why you choose one over the other.

Exercise Spotlight: Lunge

        Lunges are one of the best butt exercises, besides squats! Here we go ladies!
This is an easy at home workout you can you while you're watching tv, but you must make sure you are doing it properly in order for it to be effective. There are many different types of lunges but this one is the very basic. To intensify, you can add weights or add a step platform.
Static lunges are great for working all the major muscles of the hips, glutes and thighs. In this version of lunges, you're simply dropping your knee down rather than stepping forward or back. For beginners, you can try this move while holding onto a chair or wall for balance. Do it right:
  1. Stand with right foot forward, left foot back about 3 feet apart.
  2. Hold weights in each hand if desired and bend the knees to lower the body towards the floor. Keep the front knee behind the toes and be sure to lower straight down rather than forward.
  3. Keep the torso straight and abs in as you push through the front heel and back to starting position.
  4. Don't lock the knees at the top of the movement.
  5. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps according to your fitness level and goals.
Try it out! See how you doand how many! Remember to increase the amount you do each time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Portion Control Tricks

Kids are told to clean their plates at every meal, so it's no wonder they grow into adults who feel compelled to finish whatever's in front of them. Breaking the habit can tough but it is definitely do-able! Simple things like switching your plates, silverware, and even centerpieces ( I'm serious) can make a difference. Here are some easy tricks to fool yourself into eating less by simply downsizing your table setting:

Keep them saucer-size, yes, I know this seems small but you will eat smaller portions and be less likely to take seconds. 

Researchers show that the bigger the bowl, the more you'll stuff into it so stick to small ones. 

Studies show that adults pour about 19% more liquid into short, wide glasses than they do into tall glasses. This may be because our brains tend to focus more on an object's height than its width, so short glasses don't appear quite as full. 

In studies, people ate as much as 56 percent more when they served themselves from a one-gallon bowl than they did from a half-gallon one. 

Skip them, or blow them out right after the salad course. When the lighting is dim, people tend to linger over their food more, which can lead to overeating. 

Swap flowers for a bowl of green apples, bananas, and other fruits. 

Make them blue- it's thought to be a natural appetite suppressant. It is said that blue lights make food look less appealing, while warmer colors, especially yellow have the opposite effect. 

Question to consider: Any advice you'll consider? Think it might work?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Easy Calorie Swaps- Healthier Snack Alternatives

A lot of your extra calories build up throughout the day when you choose to grab a not-so healthy snack. Here are some better ideas for what to reach for when cravings strike:

                  Instead of:                                                             Try this instead:           
           a bagel with cream cheese                                 low-fat yogurt with blueberries and granola

                a bag of chips                                                    slices of apple with peanut butter
              Chinese takeout                                                a garden salad with grilled chicken
              a slice of pizza                                                       kashi cereal with low fat milk

        salty pretzels or cheese puffs                                           a handful of almonds

             cookie dough ice cream                                         popsicles or frozen fruit bars

Question to consider: What kind of healhty snacks do you enjoy?

Exercise Spotlight: The Plank

I hear about this ab workout all the time and see it in almost every fitness magazine! It’s a great exercise to incorporate into your fitness routine. Not only does it strengthen the adbominal muscles, bit it also works all the core muscles, for example, the back, hips, etc. I recommend gradually increasing how long you can hold the position each time you do it. Most experts agree that a healthy person can hold a plank for at least two minutes. If you can't hold the position for this long, thats okay, just try and push as long as you can go. Challennge your body!  
How to: Place forearms on the floor and press up into a flat-back position on the toes, keeping the hips down so that the body is in a straight line from head to heels. 
To intensify: While in the flat-back position with forearms on the floor, move hands into the push-up position. Go back and forth from push-up position and back down to forearms on the floor. Do this for as long as you can! You’ll really feel the burn in your abs!