Friday, November 11, 2011

Exercise Spotlight: The Plank

I hear about this ab workout all the time and see it in almost every fitness magazine! It’s a great exercise to incorporate into your fitness routine. Not only does it strengthen the adbominal muscles, bit it also works all the core muscles, for example, the back, hips, etc. I recommend gradually increasing how long you can hold the position each time you do it. Most experts agree that a healthy person can hold a plank for at least two minutes. If you can't hold the position for this long, thats okay, just try and push as long as you can go. Challennge your body!  
How to: Place forearms on the floor and press up into a flat-back position on the toes, keeping the hips down so that the body is in a straight line from head to heels. 
To intensify: While in the flat-back position with forearms on the floor, move hands into the push-up position. Go back and forth from push-up position and back down to forearms on the floor. Do this for as long as you can! You’ll really feel the burn in your abs!

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