Friday, November 11, 2011

Easy Calorie Swaps- Healthier Snack Alternatives

A lot of your extra calories build up throughout the day when you choose to grab a not-so healthy snack. Here are some better ideas for what to reach for when cravings strike:

                  Instead of:                                                             Try this instead:           
           a bagel with cream cheese                                 low-fat yogurt with blueberries and granola

                a bag of chips                                                    slices of apple with peanut butter
              Chinese takeout                                                a garden salad with grilled chicken
              a slice of pizza                                                       kashi cereal with low fat milk

        salty pretzels or cheese puffs                                           a handful of almonds

             cookie dough ice cream                                         popsicles or frozen fruit bars

Question to consider: What kind of healhty snacks do you enjoy?


  1. Great suggestions, Carly! I've heard that eating a handful of dry roasted almonds every day is great for heart and brain health. Gotta be better than a handful of cheese puffs, right?

  2. I agree with Susan. Great post!!!
